With the onset of any season, due to the change in wind direction and climate, we become victims of diseases like phlegm and the cold, cough, and other related diseases. Along with the cold and cough, we also get many other diseases like headache, fever, and viral infections.
The main basis of such diseases is phlegm. The virus of this disease mixes in phlegm and helps in spreading diseases. Therefore, if phlegm is treated and phlegm is removed, other diseases can also be stopped. Phlegm is present in the lungs, so in this article we are telling you the remedies to remove phlegm.
Consumption of jaggery is very beneficial, jaggery is delicious to eat but it has a hot nature. Therefore, if phlegm is present in the winter season, if jaggery is consumed, the phlegm comes out of the body.
Honey has expectorant properties. Honey contains the juice of many medicinal flowers, so it has many properties including antioxidants and antibiotics. Honey is very useful in destroying phlegm. Consuming two spoons of honey on an empty stomach in the morning and consuming honey on an empty stomach in the evening removes phlegm from the body and purifies the lungs.
Black pepper is a phlegm killer. Grind a few black peppercorns well. Heat two cups of water, add this black pepper powder to it and mix it. When this water boils and reduces to half, remove it and strain it. Mix one teaspoon of honey in it and mix it well and consume it in the morning and evening to remove phlegm from the lungs.
Consuming ginger and basil reduces phlegm. Grinding ginger and adding it to water, adding basil leaves to it and heating it and drinking it, dissolves the phlegm and comes out. This is a very simple remedy for treating phlegm. Basil and ginger have antioxidant and expectorant properties.
Ginger and garlic remove phlegm from the throat very easily. By heating ginger and garlic in water and drinking this water, phlegm is removed. Along with this, by mixing boiled garlic and ginger in the remaining water and adding mint leaves to it and drinking it, phlegm is removed.
Both lemon and honey have the properties of eliminating phlegm. Along with this, they also increase the immune system in various ways. One teaspoon of honey and two teaspoons of hot lemon juice can be mixed in water and drunk. It gives a lot of relief and phlegm comes out of the lungs and diseases like cold and cough can be avoided. By doing this remedy, diseases like blocked nostrils, runny nose, swelling in the throat, burning in the throat are also cured.
Onion has such properties that it gives immediate relief to phlegm stuck in the chest. Mix 1 small onion, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, 1 teaspoon water and half a teaspoon honey and heat it slightly and drink this mixture to easily get rid of phlegm from the chest.
Pineapple juice has anti-inflammatory and anti-detoxifying properties, due to which pineapple juice provides relief from phlegm. Consuming a glass of fresh pineapple juice with meals or 1 to 2 glasses of pineapple juice a day after meals helps to get rid of phlegm.
Eucalyptus oil has expectorant properties. Boil hot water in a vessel and add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to it. After this, inhale this oil from inside in such a way that the steam does not escape. By inhaling this oil 10 times, this experiment will get rid of phlegm from the chest and lungs by doing this in the morning and at night before going to bed.
Parsley flowers are an antimicrobial substance that not only clears phlegm but also cures cold and cough along with phlegm. Heat 2 teaspoons of dried coriander in 1 cup of water and then strain the mixture and drink this tea 2 to 3 times a day to remove phlegm from the chest.
Sindhav salt removes toxins from the body and provides relief from muscle and joint pain. This heat helps in removing phlegm from the body. Add 1 to 2 Sindhav salt in the bath water. Sitting in it for 20 minutes and then taking a bath with plain water will generate heat in the body, due to which phlegm is removed.
Mustard is a very good expectorant, and mustard stimulates blood circulation and increases sweating. Due to which the respiratory system is cleansed and phlegm is relieved. For this remedy, take a quarter of the mustard powder and add water to it and make a paste. Apply eucalyptus oil or coconut oil on the chest. Soak a cloth in hot water on it and keep it on the chest. Apply the paste made on this and spread it all over the place. Soak another cloth in hot water and keep it on it. Leave it like this for 15 minutes. Then wash it with clean water. Thus, by doing this remedy, the phlegm in the chest and lungs will dissolve and come out.
Fenugreek has the properties of killing bacteria and removing swelling. Take 1 teaspoon of fenugreek seeds and soak them in 1 cup of water. After soaking them overnight, strain them and heat them in the morning and add honey to it to make herbal tea and drink it. By doing this remedy, phlegm will come out of the body easily.
Kher is also useful in diseases related to phlegm. Kher has pungent and astringent properties. Kher has phlegm-killing properties so that using it as a gargle will bring out the phlegm in the throat. It provides relief from swelling in the throat, throat infection and sore throat. Along with this, it is also very useful in problems like phlegm, cough and whooping cough.
Ardusi has been used as a treatment for phlegm for years. Consuming Ardusi leaves, making juice, decoction etc., brings out the phlegm in the lungs and chest. This treatment also cures diseases related to phlegm. In this, diseases like asthma, TB, cough, wheezing and cold are also cured.
Jajethimadh is an expectorant. It is also used to remove phlegm from the lungs and also cleanses the respiratory tract and nose. As a remedy, heat 2 glasses of water and add ajwain to it and drink it to remove phlegm from the lungs and chest. Apart from this, jajethimadh also removes burning in the throat, sore throat, swelling of the throat, ulcers and viruses. Jajethimadh powder can also be taken with ghee, boiled or boiled in milk.
Apple cider vinegar is very useful in removing phlegm. It produces phlegm in a way and also removes old phlegm with it, thus cleansing the lungs. Mix 1 large spoon of apple cider vinegar in 1 cup of hot water. And then gargle with it. By doing this remedy, the phlegm trapped in the throat and trachea will come out.
Exercises and yoga are also useful for removing phlegm. Breathing exercises make breathing faster and heat the body, due to which it is easy for phlegm to come out of the chest. Deep breathing also brings out phlegm. Also, coughing and sneezing also bring out phlegm, so one should not try to stop coughing.
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Thus, the above treatment is useful in removing phlegm from the nose, throat, trachea, lungs and chest. By doing these remedies, diseases related to phlegm such as viruses, cold, cough, cough, asthma, burning in the throat, sore throat, runny nose and blocked nostrils can also be cured. Since this remedy is for removing phlegm, all types of phlegm diseases are cured and the lungs are cleared, so that the oxygen level also increases and the body functions properly. We hope this information is very useful for you.
Before adopting any health tips, consult a doctor. Because no one knows better than your doctor what is appropriate or how appropriate for your body
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Before adopting any health tips, consult a doctor. Because no one knows better than your doctor what is appropriate or how appropriate for your body