A 60 year old girl from this region also looks 25 year old

Friends, almost all men want the woman they marry to stay beautiful and young for a long time. But soon after marriage, age begins to show. But friends today we will tell about a place where women's youth and beauty lasts for a long time. Where women don't age fast.

A 60 year old girl from this region also looks 25 year old

There women look twenty five or thirty years old even at the age of 70. Friends this is not a joke but there is actually a place where almost aging has forgotten its way.

Not only that, friends, people here live very long, 110 years is the normal life expectancy, but some people even live up to 150 or 165 years. But friends, you will also be surprised to know that this place is connected with India itself. So let's know about this amazing place.

One of the many unique species found in the world, Unzha, is located in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir. Unjha lies on the Line of Control between India and Pakistan. This village is also called Naklistan of youth.

The special thing about this village is that the people here look very beautiful and young. Especially women. Friends, we here old women become old at the age of 65 years but there women stay young for 70 years. Not only that but those women can give birth to children even at the age of 70 years.

A 60 year old girl from this region also looks 25 year old

Unjha village is situated on the Himalayan mountain range. It is also known as the roof of the world. Borders of India, Pakistan, China, Afghanistan are found from here. The population of Unjha tribe is about 87000.

The life style of the Unjha caste seems to be thousands of years old. People of this breed can live for many years without any problem. The special thing about Unjha caste is that the people here get sick very less.

A 60 year old girl from this region also looks 25 year old

Friends, we have talked about the area of Unjha tribe, but now let's know the secret behind its beauty and youth. The reason behind her staying healthy, beautiful and young is her diet and very good lifestyle.

A 60 year old girl from this region also looks 25 year old

People of this caste eat very bland food. People here are fair, beautiful and smiling. Also looks completely different from the people living in the surrounding settlements.

Friends, you will be surprised to know that people here bathe in ice cold water even in sub-zero temperatures. These people eat only what they grow themselves.

These people eat less and walk more. Every day these people walk for fifteen to twenty minutes. Also walking is a habit of their lifestyle. Now let's talk about our lifestyle, eating to our full stomach, sedentary life, never having tea, always using vehicles and eating out too much.

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So, friends, from the lifestyle of this race, it is 100% proven that if our diet and environment is good, we can live longer than we live and that too can be healthy and beautiful.

Before adopting any health tips, consult a doctor. Because no one knows better than your doctor what is appropriate or how appropriate for your body

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Before adopting any health tips, consult a doctor. Because no one knows better than your doctor what is appropriate or how appropriate for your body

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