Ranotsav implies a celebration celebrated in the desert. Such celebrations are additionally coordinated in other popular desert region of the world fully intent on supporting the travel industry. Aside from Kutch, these sorts of celebrations are held in the Sahara desert in Africa and the Rajasthan desert in India.

Ranotsav is coordinated consistently in Kutch locale of Gujarat, which this year also was held at Dhorda in the period of February. Normally Ranotsav is held close to a salt water lake.
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During this celebration, one can profit from camel rides in the desert, short term visit in Bhungas showing the way of life of Kutch, presentations giving an outline of the existence of Kutch culture, Kutch music, weaving, earthenware, painting, Kutch food and so on. Ranotsav begins from Desalsar lake which is held in the long stretch of December.
The Rann of Kutch is a sweet mucky land in the Thar desert in the Kutch locale of western Gujarat. It is situated between Pakistan's Sindh territory and India's Gujarat. It has around 30,000 square kilometers of land. It incorporates the Incomparable Rann of Kutch, the Little Rann of Kutch and the Banni Meadows.
The Kutch desert is known for its white salt sand. Also, it is considered as the biggest salt desert on the planet. 'Ran' signifies desert in Hindi which is gotten from the Sanskrit word 'Irina' which additionally implies desert. The occupants of Kutch are called Kutch is and have their own language by a similar name. Most of the number of inhabitants in the Kutch desert comprises of Hindus, Muslims, Jains and Sikhs.
Kutch Ranotsav 360 Degree Video: Click Here
The desert of the Kutch district is a characteristic shelter for environmentally rich untamed life like flamingos and wild jackasses. Which is many times found around deserts. A couple of region of the desert are essential for untamed life safe-havens like Indian Wild Jackass Asylum, Kutch Desert Natural life Asylum and so on. It is a heaven for untamed life picture takers and nature sweethearts.
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Gujarat government has commended a celebration named 'Ran Utsav' consistently from November to February consistently. Guests are blessed to receive nearby cooking, workmanship and Kutch culture and friendliness. Guests from everywhere the world visit this spot to see and appreciate. This is the fundamental type of revenue for the neighborhood individuals around.
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